Custom reporting solution helps AI data analytics company save hours in expense processing

Their accounting team was wasting time manually recording employee expenses. Then we set up a custom NetSuite solution.

Employee Expense Reporting Made Easy

When your accounting crew is short on staff and even shorter on time, it’s easy to lose track of where your money’s going – especially when it comes to employee expenses. Here’s how we helped ClearObject’s accounting team free up their team and minimize error rates by automating parts of their expense management process flow.


Prior to meeting with us, ClearObject, a provider of AI-powered data analytics software solutions, was experiencing issues tracking their employee expenses in NetSuite. On top of being short-staffed, their accounting team was manually recreating employee expenses and transactions in NetSuite. Not only was this excessively time-consuming, but it also increased the risk of manual data entry errors.


To automate their manual expense reporting processes, we developed a solution that would automatically import all employee expenses by integrating with the company’s credit card provider. This allowed the accounting team to instantly push any employee’s expenses billed to their credit card directly into NetSuite.


The solution we configured for ClearObject delivered time savings for both their sales and accounting teams. Since employee expenses were now automatically imported into NetSuite, sales team members no longer needed to create expense reports on a separate system. In turn, the accounting crew also saved hours of their time while keeping reporting errors to a minimum.

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increase in Transaction Throughput
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reduction in Error Rate
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reduction in Expense Processing Time

How much time could you save with your own custom-reporting solution in NetSuite?